Sorry did that sound patronising?
Well I was trying to think of a witty title and I'm afraid that was the best I could do.
"Arf! Arf arf arf arf arf arf?"
Well because I was going to post those pictures of you mowing the lawn and raking up the grass last summer, and that was what occurred to me.
"Arf arf. Arf arf arf arf arf arf arf arfarf."
Ok, I'll try to be more considerate in future.
He is chuckling again now.
He always does that, playing around with me.
He thinks it's funny.
"Arf arf arfarf."
Oh, it is is it, L.D.? ... Yes ok, I suppose it is.
Anyway, you were a very Good Dog, helping me mow the lawn.
"Arf. 8-)"
Think I'm going to tickle you on your belly now.
"Arf! ... arfarfarfarfarfarfarfarf."
I love watching him wriggle when I tickle his belly.
Anyway, here are the photos.
Little Dog mowing the lawn:

Little Dog raking up the grass:

"Arf arfarf arf, arf arf?"
Yes, L.D., you are Very Strong.
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